By Boniface Mpagape.

I and my fellow staff were talking to our Director, (Standard radio director) Mr. James Daud who told us there is a formula of life. He told us that the formula of life is E + R = O. Let me elaborate the abbreviations. E stands for an (EVENT) + R which stand for (RESPONSE) which is equal to O, an (OUTCOME). In a simple language an Event is the ACTION plus RESPONSE; that is the way you respond to the action, in other word is PERFORMANCE which can be positive or negative depending on how you treated an event. If the outcome is poor then you have to change your response, but if you work hard you can receive good profit in a case of business or good salary if you are an employee. Picture: Mr. James Japhet Daud
Managing Director
Standard Voice LTD
Mr. Daud elaborated more by giving examples; “For instance two persons receive 1 million as a salary per month that is an event; but how are they going to use the money is different. One may spend the money extravagantly, profligately, wastefully, while the second one may invest in establishing a barber shop etc. Automatically the outcome can’t be the same! ”

He added if someone is thinking about an event, there is always visualization in the mind which is very important. Someone has to visualize be it in sound, mind, color etc. Also there is subconscious mind, which is hidden plus RAS which is an abbreviation of Reticular Activating System or arrangements, whereby every human being has got it in mind, but others die without using it; they die while their minds are still new. That is real the way you decide to live.
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